A dental implant is actually a tooth root that is extracted from another part of your body (by way of surgery) and then fused into place on the jaw bone. The implant will be cemented into place and held in place for many years to come. The great thing about a dental implant is that it does not require any more surgery once placed. You simply go back once in awhile to have it relined or cleaned because the piece is bonded to the jawbone and can not move or slip out of place. It is also important to note that if the implant breaks, it cannot be replaced - you must have a new titanium piece put in its place.
Dental Implants Last Forever? - But Are Implants Safe? - Yes they are, as long as you choose a quality dental implant product. When you think of titanium pieces and their ability to fuse with the jawbone, you immediately think of Titanium. Titanium has been used for years to build the crowns and other parts of the human body, and the reason why it is so successful is because of its malleability, which allows it to be sculpted into just about any form.
Dental Implants are simply the application of Titanium into the jaw bone to anchor the tooth root. Once the implant is securely in place, the dentist will create a crown and finish the process. If the dental implants are not selected properly, then the root may be visible above the gum line - this will cause significant discomfort and may even require extensive treatment to fix. The key is to find the right dental implant company, and the process takes several visits before the final crown is created.
There are several dental implant companies that can help you determine how long your tooth will last, but there are factors beyond the implant itself that will affect tooth durability. If the tooth is over-filled or under-filled, it can weaken the root over time. Also tooth color can discolor and break down over time and result in the need for more extensive cleaning and possible replacement. Other variables such as how the tooth was formed (with cavity fillings or otherwise) and the overall health of the patient can also affect the longevity of your tooth. Overall dental health plays a huge role in how long your teeth last, so it is best to make sure that your doctor is thorough when making recommendations concerning tooth care and oral hygiene.
How Long Does Dental Implants Last Forever? As aforementioned, the answer depends on several factors, such as how the tooth was formed, the overall health of the patient and their oral hygiene. However, there are certain variables that can significantly influence the lifespan of a dental implant, including the type and location of the implant, the patient's oral hygiene and habits, the dentist's experience with similar techniques, and the quality of the implant material used in the procedure. For these reasons, it is important to discuss your concerns with your general dentist in order to ensure that your dental implant is performing at its best possible level, and that you get the results you desire.
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