Some plans will charge you less, others more. Some places charge higher prices. Dental clinics in some cities will offer lower costs for this service, while in other cities they will charge much higher rates. One factor affecting cost is where you live in the US; there is no such thing as an "average" across the board. Dental clinics are in many different locations throughout the US, so the cost of a dental bridge or dentures will vary from town to town. Another factor affecting cost is the type of dental bridge or dentures that you need; some bridges are more complicated and costly than others.
Cost of mini dental implants will be quite high if the root is not damaged, since the patient needs to have a bone from another part of the body extracted. Most clinics will perform a mini dental implantation if the patient does not have enough bone to support the new implant. This type of implantation is only successful about 40% of the time, since the old one cannot replace it. Most clinics will want to do a collagen gel implantation instead. This type of implantation is a lot less expensive, since it replaces only the hard part of the tooth and the soft area around it.
Cost of a dental bridge will be higher in the south. Dental bridges are rather simple, consisting of a post bolted to a titanium post that fits over the front surface of a missing tooth. Since this kind of a dental bridge requires only a few teeth to be replaced, clinics that perform them can get the implants at a much cheaper price. However, they cannot cover dental implants when the patient does not have enough bone for the implant crown to rest on.
Cost of a dental crown will be higher in the north, because many of the large, major dental clinics only perform them on patients who have enough bone to support the crown. These implants do not require as many tooth roots to replace. The patient may also get a discount for having several missing teeth; however, clinics that cover dental implants will not accept this. It is possible to get a free dental implants treatment, but the patient must be prepared to pay the full price tag for the procedure. Many dentists that perform these kinds of procedures can also offer referrals for other cosmetic dentistry procedures that are not covered by their clinic.
Average cost of dental implants is important to dentists, because they can give their patients advice on how to reduce their out-of-pocket expenses. However, patients should also understand that the dentist is not likely to cover dental implants if he or she feels it would be unsafe for them to do so. They may suggest covering the implant costs with insurance, but the patient must read over all of their coverage details before making such a decision.
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